Friday, December 28, 2007

Owl candle update

Someone bought it off of craigslist! I posted it for $3, and this lady emailed me to ask my if I would take $1 for it. Of course I said yes.

In the listing I said that it would make a great gag gift. I also used the phrase "utterly glorious" because I just had to.

I was not here when she picked it up, but Joe was. It's a good thing, too. Turns out the woman collects candles. I am not sure what I would have done when I heard that if I had been here, but I am afraid it would have been something a lot like choking, which would have been bad.


mosiacmind said...

That is one ugly candle.

mosiacmind said...
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indesignguy said...

That candle would have been fun to take to a range. :]