Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Today is my fourth day with the flu, but I feel SOOOOO much better today than I did the past three days. I am just really tired, but I don't feel sick. In spite of the fatigue, I am doing a great job of kicking Evelyn in the rear today. She has been a little out of control since I got sick. So now it is toddler boot camp. She has been in time out at least 5 times already and its only 11:30am.

Needless to say, I am getting a flu shot next year. This is my second year of getting the flu. Last year, I was 8 months pregnant. God, that was awful. I don't even know where I picked it up. No one else I know seems to have it, including my family, thank goodness.

The only plus about being sick is that when you finally feel well again, it feels incredible. I am always so alive after I am sick. I love that. That should be tomorrow. Tomorrow, I may conquer the world.

1 comment:

maureen said...

take it from me- it comes very natural to be an ass around families. in my case it is b/c i first learned all of my skills as an ass within my family.
