Friday, January 25, 2008

It is 2pm, and I am just now having my first coffee of the day. Sick, huh? Joe is in Chicago right now, and he is the one who makes coffee. Its not that I don't want coffee, I just seem to get side tracked by all the kid stuff going on.

Speaking of kid stuff, Gabe keeps saying something that sounds just like "fuckin' a". It is usually when he is talking about one of his toys, but I cannot figure out what he is saying. Not only that, but he says it like ten time in a row. No. He YELLS it. At least its winter and the windows are closed so the neighbors can't hear.


indesignguy said...

How do you get to 2 pm w/o coffee? I don't think can be possible.

Becky Slagle said...

You really should watch your language around the kids! Geez Jess!!! :)

John McCollum said...

Your kid rocks.