Sunday, May 27, 2007

Our siding is done! It took one day. The crew started at about 7am, took a break between 9am and 11am because they were waiting on the siding to arrive, and finished by 6pm. They were a great crew, very polite, and the foreman wanted to make sure that we were happy with the siding. Some of our plants got a little trampled, but we were warned that would be the case. The house looks great, and we are really pleased with the job, especially since it has been totally free. We are even getting money back. :)

I was struck by the contrast between the painting crew and the siding crew. They were here on consecutive days, and that made it easy to compare the two. The painting crew didn't start until 10am and they were ready to leave by 4pm, even though the job was not finished at that time. I had been at home all day because they told me that I needed to be there so they could paint the doors, and then we would need to let the doors stand open for several hours afterward so they could dry. So when 3:30pm came, and they had not started on the doors, I called our contractor to see if he could light a fire under the owner. I did not want to be stuck home all day again the next day. The owner came over and painted the doors himself.

The siding crew, on the other hand....well, you just should have seen them. I don't think they wasted a single minute. And they cleaned up WAY better than the painting crew. I wasn't looking to compare the two crews. It's just that the difference was so incredibly obvious, that you would have to be asleep to miss it.


Karen said...

what color is the siding?

jessica aebi said...

The siding is a sand color. It is called "hearthstone". Anyway, with the black doors and shutters, and white trim, it looks good.