Wednesday, November 15, 2006

I'm not dead

I just sorta fell off the blogging wagon. Its the kind of thing that is hard to get back to the longer you are away from it. It's like exercise. You lose your taste for it if you quit for long enough. Plus, I feel like I have to have the perfect post. What's that all about? So, this is not the perfect post. But it is proof that I am alive, although sometimes I wonder about that.

Evelyn is on this kick where she calls me Jess. I always tell her that my name is Mommy to her, but it totally cracks me up. Do you ever wake up and it seems as if your kids changed overnight? Like they grew up? Evelyn just went through one of those. It always amazes me. She has started singing all the words to songs all by herself. On Sunday, I went down to the basement and found her there playing all by herself. She has never done that. And she wanted to stay down there by herself. She didn't need me to be there. A little troubling.

1 comment:

maureen said...


you're back! i've missed you. i know what you mean about falling out of the habit so to speak of blogging and then not missing it. that's me right now.

that evelyn is a sweet girl. i love her. she's blessed to have you as a mom.

bye girl! i love you!