Thursday, November 29, 2007

These two are so wild. Normally, all they want to do is jump on the bed. But they also like to pretend sleep, too. I busted those fakers.
Today, Gabe woke up at 3am.....and never went back to sleep. Which means that I also woke up at 3am, and never went back to sleep. Yawn. I am going to try to take a nap, but I am not a very good daytime sleeper.
Evelyn slid down the firepole at preschool today. I am so proud. She has been wanting to go down the one at the playground for a while now, but she never has the nerve. She is so brave.

Monday, November 12, 2007

I have been having Evelyn attend the rehearsals for our church children's choir. This week, most of the other kids were singing, but not Evelyn. She kept her little mouth shut through the entire thing. When I asked her if she could sing the song she repeatedly told me that she is too little to do it, and yet she still says that she wants to be in the children's choir. Later on Sunday we were practicing the song, but Evelyn still would not sing, even at home. Then, I just blurted out, "I'll make you a chocolate cake if you learn all of the words". She clarified some of the details of the deal, like whether or not we could also have candles on the cake. Of course I said yes, and she proceeded to sing EVERY SINGLE WORD of Silent Night.

Little stinker.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Parent-Teacher conference

Today we had our first pre-school parent teacher conference. It was pretty uneventful. I didn't hear much that surprised me. The teacher said that Evelyn does not play with or talk to any of the other kids in her class. She said she just does her own thing, pretty much all of the time. When they sit in circle time, Evelyn has her own spot where she always sits that she apparently guards rather well. The teacher said she does not get confrontational, but she guards her space. If someone gets too close to her, she will move.

The teacher also mentioned that Evelyn has a difficult time with transitioning from one activity to the next. She completely tunes out the teacher when she is being given instructions. We have this same problem at home. I am always asking Evelyn if she is ignoring me.

She also likes to draw mountains. I guess every time the teacher asks what she is drawing, she says it is a mountain.

Overall, I am pleased with how the conference went. I think most of the stuff we covered is age-related. I will probably address the issue of not paying attention to instructions, but I think that is all. Evelyn has always been quite shy, but she has also grown tremendously in the last year.

Friday, November 02, 2007

Bus of God

Today Evelyn and I were listening to some music with lyrics about the Lamb of God. I was explaining that Jesus is the Lamb of God. Evelyn said, "I'm the bus of God, Mommy".

"You're the what?"

"The bus of God. The city bus."

Don't ask me where this came from. I have no idea.