Tuesday, February 20, 2007

I just bought a bunch more of those compact fluorescent bulbs yesterday. The package says that they are 5 year bulbs, but we have not had any of them last more than 2 years at the most. We have only lived here for 4 years, and I know there are several that I have changed multiple times. Not that I really care, but it is a little annoying considering that they are so expensive. What are we doing wrong? I think it must be the wiring in our house.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Joe is back to work today!

Today is the first day that Joe was able to go back to work. Things with his back are getting better. He got some prayer at church yesterday, and we are continuing to pray for healing for him. I think he is pretty excited to be back at work. Joe is not one to take time off, so spending a week out of the office was a major sacrifice for him. And I am glad to be back to my usual routine.

Both kids are sleeping right now. Woo hoo! Every time I come down the stairs after getting them both to sleep, I always feel like I should do some kind of touchdown dance or something. Even though it is a regular event, it feels like a major accomplishment.

Did anybody see Evelyn's semi-major temper tantrum yesterday at church? I tried to put her coat on her, and she flung herself down on the floor kicking, screaming and crying. I kinda just stood there beside her and didn't say anything. Ignoring her is what works best with her, I am finding.

Now that I think about it, we had a weird day yesterday. Gabe cried in the nursery a lot and he was upset almost the entire time. Evelyn throwing public tantrums and Gabe falling apart. What next?

Things appear to be back to normal today. I hope it stays that way.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

With Joe's back being on the fritz, I am the designated snow shoveller in the household. So, I shovelled snow this afternoon. Evelyn helped. It was so much fun. She loves the snow. She told me I was ridiculous for throwing snow on her.
I love snow. I don't like freezing rain much, but I really love snow. I love how everything is so quiet.

Today Joe decided to stay home. His back is really messed up. He is walking around half bent over. It has been threatening to go out on him for several days now, so it is not a surprise. And honestly, it is convenient that it happened on a day like today (with the snow and all). Joe's back does this a couple of times a year. The man needs more exercise! We used to do yoga together (don't tell anyone) and it really helped him.

Ok...here is the big news of the day. I MADE IT TO THE GYM FIRST THING IN THE MORNING!!!!! I pulled in the parking lot at 5:07am. I always used to go in the morning until Gabe was born. It has taken me too long to get back into it. And it still may not work for me, but I am really going to try. I find that if I don't work out first, it gets pushed aside. I am just too pooped in the evening.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Lately I have been really trying to lose those last few pounds of baby fat. I do really well for a few days, and then I totally blow it and gain it all back. I have been trying to focus on self control being one of the gifts of the Spirit, but I know I am getting it all wrong. I have not been trusting God with this at all. Honestly, I am just tired of the whole having to trust God day in and day out bit. I would prefer to have my problems disappear as a result of my faith. Pretty ugly, huh?

Friday, February 09, 2007

Gabe is doing EVERYTHING right now. It happened overnight. He started crawling, then sitting up, then pulling himself up. He is just now nine months old. I am totally addicted to him. Its like he and I have this little connection going on that nobody else really sees. I love it. He is eating now, but he refuses to be spoon fed. He must feed himself. I gave him pizza a few days ago! I like the fact that he is eating, but it is making him cut back on nursing quite a bit, which I don't like. I am just super-paranoid about plugged ducts and all that since I have had such a problem with it this time around. I'm a little afraid he is going to try to wean himself. I doubt that he will do that, though because he hasn't had a bottle since he was 10 weeks old. I am just too lazy to pump.

I love this picture of Evelyn and me. She is such a cutie. I think she is even going to survive having a little brother.