My first post on my first blog ever. Frankly, I don't really know what to say. But here goes. One of my primary goals is to chronicle the events of my child growing up. It goes by so quickly, and I am so bad at filling in the baby book.
My daugter, Evelyn, is about 18 months old. Its such a cute age. We have recently begun seeing our first temper tantrums from her. Today, she had chocolate ice cream for the first time. She prefers vanilla. Tomorrow, I am re-starting my periodic all-out-war-on-baby-whining-etc program. It works pretty well, but it makes for one or two really hellish days. Last time I did it (which was the first time) the change in her behavior was dramatic. Evelyn is a really great little girl. She is funny and sweet, and generally makes Joe and me look like terrific parents. I am not sure how long that last part will last, but we will go with it as long as we can.